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Gaming crossing parkour

(tags parkour, gaming, Mario, music, stunts, hamsters)

My first introduction to "Parkour videos" was this great linkage from Kotaku to David Belle set to Super Mario Bros. music and sound effects. Yeah, great sound effect editing here.

Since then I've been on a video download craze for parkour stuff. All sorts from all parts of the globe have been giving up their recorded goods. "Russian Climbing" linked from the Wikipedia article on parkour is the best. Other videos don't have much of a plot, but "Sometimes Parkour" has just a bit more than people jumping of stuff. Great stuff. These videos show the urban 'hoods in their natural habitat. "Zanshin parkour". Do you like lots of rap music? Not me. Oh yeah, let's get back to gaming with "Half Life 2 Parkour".

Okay okay, so the Parkour videos I like are actually not true Parkour. But hey, neither is this video of "Hamsters Parkour". LOL. Watch this only after a couple of hours of human parkour, okay?