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A novelty in modern times: The DS-enabling Wii

(tags game, hardware, Nintendo, Wii, DualScreen, speculation)

The Wii will come with WiFi so that your DS can connect to the Internet. But not only that, you'll be able to download demos and retro games to your DS in the comfort of your own space. Your DS will also let you sample that "20-year backlog" of games. However, to curb piracy, just like previous entries into nostalgia (think E-Reader cards or that Gamecube puzzle collection), Nintendo will not let you power off your DS if you want retain the downloaded game. Further restrictions like the number of DSs that can connected to the Wii, and/or not allow sync-saves (saving a game save back onto the Wii from the DS) from non-registered DSs, will be in effect.

But think of it. You can play the Wii version of Chrono Trigger (SNES-US) till the wee hours of the morning on your TV, then load your DS up with the same exact save point and continue your adventures while commuting, etc. Then when you get back home, sync-save and play it again on your TV.

How about being able to emulate mouse-enabled games? Imagine saving your Mario Paint (SNES-US) creations? Hahaha. The Super NES Mouse has two buttons though, doh!

How about Bonk (TurboGrafx16-US) on the DS? Delicious irony coincidence, bonk bonk?

Today I had one of those neuron mis-fires and I imagined the above scenarios. The above is total speculation, though. I suppose this idea is not original (can you do it now with DS emulators and ROM rips?), but I suppose I'm pretty slow at creativity thingies. I checked one of those unofficial Wii FAQs and indeed it is a possibility, but not officially confirmed or denied.

Though I suppose it would undermine the purpose of those in-shop DS kiosks, so perhaps it may not be possible to sample DS demos through the Wii.

So, how much would you pay for a "backlog" game for the DS? If a NES/Famicom game for the Wii goes for 500 JPY, I would not be willing to pay the same for the DS version, maybe just 350 to 400 JPY. Then again, I would demand that purchasing a game gives me both version (for Wii, for DS).

Imagine doing more than just gaming with the Wii-Enabled DS. Check and schedule your calendar? (You can do that now with DS Browser and Google Calendar, etc.). Um... I think I'm losing the creative spark.