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Experts and fans

(tags game, Street Fighter, video, Animal Crossing, review, character goods)

Another dump browser tabs post.

Retro Gaming with racketboy links to Sirlin's Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo tutorial videos. These videos were released around the time of that Xbox and PS2 Capcom Classics Collections Volume 2 (2006/11). I picked up a copy and Dhalsim whips me hard. I must admit that I learn a lot: "piano rolls", delayed inputs and other stuff. I think the sum of my SF knowledge ends at the middle of the Intermediate tutorial.

Another feel good post about Animal Crossing: Wild World, where UK: Resistance named it as "the only game of 2006". I don't have 17 million bells in my account, but I'm already a platinum member at Nookington's, so ha ha... But I don't have a picture of K.K. Slider, so I lose.

Animal Crossing (Doubutsu no Mori) movie poster image download

Speaking of which, the Animal Crossing movie, Doubutsu no Mori (劇場版どうぶつの森) has a poster page where you can download images of the posters and free wallpaper. Very cute. Just today I picked up the soundtrack at Animate, so I should make Doubutsu no Mori movie character goods post soon.