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Ruby (and Rails) full steam ahead

(tags programming, Ruby, book, ECsite, digital, PDF, webdev)

I was jazzed up on the news that the recently released Ruby On Rails 1.2 had some better support for UTF-8. RoR's front man DHH posted the high-level changelog on his blog: "Riding Rails: Rails 1.2: REST admiration, HTTP lovefest, and UTF-8 celebrations". Through a library, Ruby is working better on i18n issues, sweet.

I'm still not competent in Rails at all, so I decided to buy the Agile Web Development with Rails book, second edition on PDF only. While I was at it, I picked up Best of Ruby Quiz. Totally instant gratification, and with two monitors, reading shouldn't be a hassle. A little bit annoying that my name is on each page of the books, and my mind goes into a stupid thought cycle justifying these fairly open PDFs.

Gah, I should quit gaming, quit IRC, quit my blog, and just exercise the funk out out of my programming.