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Sofmap overdose: telephone cards in used packages, figure pre-ordering

(tags store, Japan, used, game, telephone card, collectable, figure, Rozen Maiden)

I am a Sofmap addict, plain and simple. It is more convenient for me to just pop in the stores, canvas and gawk, and put stuff in my basket, than it is to do online auctioning. Also I am a collectable telephone card freak (or is it dilettante compared to this freak (NSFW))?

My Kobe Sofmap gets the interesting goods despite being in... Kobe. Kobe's otaku area is not as defined as Kyoto, it's not Osaka's Den-Den Town, and it certainly not Tokyo's Akihabara. It's all spread out like a multi-station-hop constellation, and I'm not even sure I know all the right places.

Even so, Sofmap attracts fellow otaku (「同志!」), even if there aren't any communication notes or blogs. I find some cool things (at least to me): A used copy of the Kasimasi Girl Meets Girl PS2 game with the Gamers's tokuten telephone card. I even check the DVD cases and they are mint unopened!? Must have been another otaku unloading his "perfect save" copy (永久保存版). Perhaps he was disappointed with the way the manga ended?

Kasimasi Girl Meets Girl PS2 game with Gamers telephone card used. Anima Yokocho DVD 1 and Sudoku for the PSP

Consider that when I bought my copy of the original game, I only got the Sofmap tokuten telephone card.

Last post's Comic Party Portable is the same situation as well. I bought the game used but it still came with a telephone card.

I mentioned that Beavis and Butthead DVD, which is another Sofmap find. (It stomps on my feeling of nostalgia, but still).

Switching gears but not stores: I pre-ordered that Rozen Maiden Hina Ichigo figure at Sofmap as well. I was worried that it was sold out, because at the figure specialty shop Yellow Submarine in Kobe, the pre-orders were already filled. Not to worry though, Sofmap was just late to the game. They even had a pre-order for another Rozen Maiden Hina Ichigo figure, this time as part of the SRDX series. I suppose I have to get that, since I have the other ones (There will be a photo-expose post for this some day, but just in case, it's the real reason I went to BFC 2006.).