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Pieces are falling into place: flash memory for PSP

(tags hardware, PlayStation Portable)

It seems I don't even have to lift a finger anymore, since Sofmap carries all I need. Take for example this MicroSD to Memory Stick Pro DUO adapter. It can be had at many of the Sofmaps I frequent.

MicroSD to Memory Stick Pro Duo adapter, Sony slow 2GB

Geez, 2GB is literally nothing to sneeze at. It's so tiny!

2GB hits the sweet spot on price. Well the Sony official MSProDuo is about 8000 yen, and this MicroSD is about 5000 yen. The adapter cost 1500 yen so I'm still ahead. (I am not considering throughput, though.) But the biggest MicroSD is currently only 2GB, though it seems 4GB is just around the corner. Also, the PSP cannot use memory cards over 4GB without firmware 2.81. That's no problem for me, since I'm not willing to buy 1_5000+ yen memory yet.

2GB is good for holding and ripping up my UMDs. A UMD is about 1.8GB. Though I'm not downloading ISOs, I do want to speed up my game playing. Comic Party is still on my list of things to do, and it better be quicker this time around.

But why still the official MSProDuo? Ripping needs stable hardware, and plus I don't yet trust MicroSD + adapter right now. But going with MicroSD is beneficial if I get a "flash cart" for my DS. I haven't researched this part so I don't know the benefits.

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