we get signal


Already in the glass case on the first day: Doki Doki Majo Shinpan

(tags game, Dual Screen, loli, telephone card)

Like I said, Friday night was frantic for goods collecting. My mission was collecting the telephone cards (TCs) I saw a week earlier. As I was working my way up Nipponbashi Den-Den Town from Books Lashinbang, I noticed that the all-ages otaku game of the moment, Doki Doki Majo Shinpan (どきどき魔女神判), was sold out in all my favorite stores except at A-Too where the price is not nice. I didn't pre-order it, because the TC situation for it was pretty dire. There were different designs at different stores and some stores were not in Kansai. So I was content with a picture of the all TCs from this news article.

Doki Doki Majo Shinpan, games, amulet, telephone cards, magazines, fan book

All of that changed when I spied the Sofmap version TC in the show case at Sofmap's Treasure Box area. 2000 yen? Not that bad for the first day. I'll take it.

(At the same shop, I also got a used but unopened copy of Submarine Super 99 (サバマリン スパー99) on UMD. When it comes to anime on UMD, I don't have a problem, as long as it is cheap.)

So since I started digging that hole, I thought why don't I just jump on in? I still didn't see the omake Japanese-style amulet with the cute picture, until I went to the meager show cases at Big Tiger Nipponbashi. There they had a copy of the game, the Sofmap TC and the amulet for 7890 yen. Well, sure I'll take it.

(At the same shop I first bought the Slitherlink DS game for about 1690 yen used, which I was planning to play anyway. It is pretty rare and I didn't find it either new or used in other stores, so getting this 2500 yen game at this price wasn't bad at all.)

(And at both show case areas, the clerks reminded me that the merchandise can't be returned (「委託販売です。返品は承りませんので宜しいですか。」). One even used their finger to point out the return policy explanation in kanji. I take this to mean they recognize me as a kanji-reading foreigner. I get irritated if they start using a lot of hand gestures though.)

Since I was at the end of my Friday purchasing, I could not buy the fan book. I read that it wasn't available at regular bookstores, so I counted on Sofmap Kobe to have a copy. But it wasn't there (!?!?) despite the fact that one of the early stores I visited, Sofmap Nipponbashi 4, had many copies. (On a strange note, Sofmap Kobe had many copies of the game itself.) I finally got the book at Gamers Kobe, bless their character goods hearts.

Also, on Monday, I picked up a second copy of the game with the other telephone card design, that wasn't mentioned anywhere. Sweet.

So there it is, one can get a limited release game if one is in the area specializing in reselling. Yes.

As for playing the game, well that can wait until I finish more Sudoku.

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