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World Rubik's Cube Championship 2007

(tags Rubik's Cube)

On the Japanese Rubiks Cubists blog I'm tracking (1, 2, 3, 4), there is some national pride and back-slapping regarding the results from the annual world competition held in Hungary. There are many types of competitions, but the one that most casual observers are interested in is the 3x3x3 two hand event (to differentiate from the one handed, blind folded, feet, etc events). A Japanese teen took first place with an average of 12 seconds.

12 seconds! 12 seconds is about the length of time it takes to ride an escalator. For me, I can solve a Rubiks Cube one time between two train stations which is around two minutes.

There are more results, videos, and linkage at the official results page and also this link crazy blog.

Oh the reason I haven't measured my times recently isn't because I've given up. On the contrary I still turn the Cube on my commute. I need to learn the mirror of one of the basic Fridich moves (3-cycle corner swap, orientation preserving), then its on to improve my opening game. Once I'm at my measuring place, I turn on the Halo 3, so blame that.
