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Release! Really watching Card Captor Sakura DVD now

(tags Card Captor Sakura, anime, DVD region 2)

I really mean it now. I'm going to watch Card Captor Sakura on DVD. "Release!"

Sakura says Release!

Recently I've come across bunches of people naming Card Captor Sakura as their favorite anime of all time. Okay okay.

So I started from the beginning to make sure I got into the mood of the anime. Unfortunately I kept on comparing it to Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (魔法少女リリカルなのは)! I was disappointed with the Nanoha second season, so I really must excise Nanoha from my memory before it taints CCS. I suppose this "magic girl" mystique with the revolving halos or magic circles and books and cards is an anime tradition that extends before CCS.

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