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You need blood: Metal Slug 3, Uncharted

(tags game, grotesque, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)

destroy tokyo gave me more insight to Xbox Live Arcade newly ported game Metal Slug 3, with a micro review (summary: thumbs down). I don't know the Metal Slug franchise other than some tentative forays, though that six-in-one compilation on various platforms looks interesting. (Oh wait, I have some Metal Slug games on my Xbox 1, but not yet sampled, grr)

Okay, I've read that you can get "red blood" sprites if you change your console's Language to Japanese, three times already, as Insert Credit, Joystiq and Kotaku all jump on some guy's post in some Internet forum.

So let me get this straight:

In 1995 Japan, you enjoy red blood in Metal Slug 3.

In 2007 Japan, blood is censored on your Uncharted: Drake's Fortune game. According to some random Internet guy, blood is important (but admittedly not essential) for figuring out what direction the bullets are coming from.

Can I say that Uncharted seems to be the first PS3 game I'm interested in? Naughty Dog devs, right? (Jak!) Well, that and Unreal Tournament 3 and Linux, ha. And what with the latest PS3 firmware upgrade that allows you to play any PS1 games on your PSP, I've been simmering the idea of picking up a 60GB model. Very low heat, back burner, though.

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