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Just a couple of weeks: Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Ubuntu 8.04

(tags Windows, patch, security)

I am dreading this Windows XP Service Pack 3. Well, I am up to date on my Windows Updates, but Service Packs always break something, maybe not on my computer but still. Then I learned that the "Release to Web" version (for hobbyists like me) is currently delayed, because of a compatibility issue with another Microsoft product! Well, okay. I heard there are very little new features. The UI change about removing the search bar in the task bar doesn't affect or annoy me. There seems to be a better version of Remote Desktop Client.

Following this issue in various forums, I came across a recommendation to run Securnia's program version checker, called Secunia PSI. Secunia seems to get some Slashdot play as the place to learn about current specific security threats, so I was surprised to find out they make security software as well.

Oh wait, didn't Ubuntu come out with another Long Term Support release recently? "Hardy Heron". Fire up the torrents... No wait, isn't it just "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"? Ugh, read "General Upgrade Information".

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