we get signal


Yellow fading Rubik's Cube

(tags Rubik's Cube, failure)
(Originally written 2008-06-24 23:40)

Speaking of my (main) Rubik's Cube, the yellow stickers are finally losing their color and are turning white. This is after 10 months of use. Well all of the stickers look grimy and ugly. However, the critical yellow-blue facelet though looks like white-blue, which is impossible. Still it annoys me how dependant I am on looking at the colors of the cube when moving pieces.

So I tore off the yellow sticker. 8 yellow fading stickers remain, and a disconcerting black spot. This is annoying as well.

So why don't I just replace those stickers? Um... yeah. I'm just lazy. I can't get the sticker grime off satisfactorily.

I am annoyed. I'm annoyed with the fade, now I'm annoyed with the black, I'm annoyed with my lack of volition, lack of skills, I'm annoyed enough to write a post. What will it take to resticker my cube?!?! ;-o

I can always start using my second cube. But I have to lube it first. I am annoyed. Huh.

Update to the present: I broke down and restickered my cube. Well only three faces because it takes so long. (WTF only 10 minutes per face) And the stickers don't line up so good. I am annoyed. Yet, the stickers feel pretty good and clean. I would snap a picture but ...

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