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Soul Calibur pantsu

(tags game, Xbox 360, DLC, Soul Calibur)

Namco-Bandai brought out that Soul Calibur 4 Costume Pack 2 "Maid wear" last Wednesday for 200 points, at least for the Japan region. According to the foreign hubbub, these are the costumes availalbe in the limited edition version of the game (not released in Japan). I can't seem to find descriptions for these DLC packs, so I link to this guy who describes them. With NSFW pictures of pantsu, um. He claims that this new pack adds nothing extra in comparison to the regular maid costumes already in the game

DLC from Namco-Bandai is not done until there is Idolm@ster stuff available. We are waiting. Normal people are probably waiting for Darth Vader DLC.

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