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Time Travelling Kumatanchi

(tags game, Dual Screen, Kumatanchi, Animal Crossing)

In Animal Crossing, I can Time Travel for fun and profit, like skipping forward to a certain event, and then letting real time catch up. Time Travel is just resetting the DS's real-time clock to a desired time before starting a game. It resembles a hurry up and wait cycle.

I just realized I can do the same thing in Kumatanchi. In the early part of the game, I would be missing a lot, but now that almost all the stuff is unlocked, Time Travel lets me play this game in batch without having to play it real-time like a Tamaggochi. Now I keep track of my next batch gaming using a calendar and email reminders. Sorry Kumatan, but there are other games I should be concentrating on (Chrono Trigger never ends...)

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