we get signal


Send in the 2009

(tags blog)

Greetz and howdy. Happy New Year to all y'all. \(>_<)/

The post counter at blogger.com says I'm at 850+ posts since inception, despite my whimsical throwaway title, "we get signal". I don't see myself changing the address or machinery any time soon, but I hope I can improve the tone and manner. Seiyuu and novelist Masumi Asano (浅野真澄) wrote her heartful New Year's Resolution, which reminds me to be positive in words as well as actions and reactions.

2008 was pretty much collect instead of playsolo instead of online, DLC instead of packages. Not much of a review, I know.

2009 will stick to the same formula, if I don't run out of closet space first, ha.

It's all sweets, all the time.
