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Youtube Will Not Die! IWBTG and Mega Man 2

(tags video, game)

I spent the morning accepting comments on my year-old video about Bangai-O Spirits, "Homing don't play that: Bangai-o Spirits (video)" and "Calmin' Napalmin': Bangai-o Spirits (video)". Sorry I didn't know people commented on them. One of the commenters pointed out there are blue clouds blocking the missles, so the air wall block is not a bug but a feature. Yeah right.

I then started looking at the regular things on Youtube, "Man walks on water", "Ikaruga 1 person 2 player", yeah regular things. Which lead me to I Wanna Be That Guy, which is a masocistic side scrolling platform game that pilfers music and graphics from games from the 80s and 90s. And even Ikaruga. Oh. I'm not even going to download it, though. But there was one level which had excellent music which brought me me to...

Mega Man 2. OMG, I don't even remember if I played it before, but it looked familiar. But the music is so great! "Dr. Wily Stage 1 & 2", "Air Man", "Wood Man". It makes me want to break out the emulator, because if I did own it 20 years ago, it's long gone now. I suppose I could go try to buy the sound track, but I bet it's really expensive. Perhaps doujin remix CDs are still available. OMG remixes: "Mega Man 2 Dr. Wily´s Castle Theme on the guitar." which led to "Air Man Will Not Die"... which lead to "Eroge ga owaranai"... Better quit now before my weekend ends.

Youtube Will Not Die! :-)

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