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Pokemon: the first 60 hours

(tags Pokemon, Pikachu, Dual Screen)

Well my tryst with Ikaruga ended. Haha.

I got my Pikachu. I named the female Pikachu as Pika, and though she's become my tank and highest level soldier, she's pretty weak at defense. I can't assign most Hidden Moves to her either, which means I have to keep the ugly Bibarel for moving around the map. I do find the Pikachu's warm up before battling to be oh so cute. She waves towards the trainer, too bad she doesn't say "pika".

I also got a male Pichu through Global Trading System (GTS) the wireless world trading forum, making matching pair. At least I can raise and rename the Pichus, Pikachus and Raichus I want.

60 hours (almost). I think I'm almost done with the story.

I'm finding that this RPG is pretty boring at times. It really doesn't matter what Pokemon I raise, just as long as I land a hit that doesn't give the enemy a chance to retaliate. But if I invest time in the wrong Pokemon, I get hit hard at the trainer sessions. I also get frustrated with not having a clue sizing up the boss attacks. Finally the game tosses me a bone and gives me a hint application that tells what kinda attacks give the best counters, but it requires some homework.

I want to catch them all, but I get the feeling that it will take 200 hours to capture all the off-line ones. I do play this during the commute but it just feel like Kawaii Progress Quest infused with slot machines. I hate slot machines and anything that reminds me of money gambling.

Pokemon, it's an RPG that will suck the vitality out of me. So repetitive.

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