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Leveling up in Project Euler: Cube

(tags programming, Ruby, Clojure, Project Euler)

I leveled up in Project Euler! Woot! I'm now a Level 2 "(Regular) Cube".

Project Euler: I leveled up to a Cube!

I solved 59 out of 252, and 45 more than last time. BTW, when I solved the 25th problem, I awarded the "Regular Tetrahedron". These awards are part of the five Platonic Solids. Cool.

Project Euler: 59 out of 252 problems

I'm still using Ruby, basically Ruby 1.9.1 on Windows via the yet-to-hit-1.0-status RubyInstaller. It's much faster and smaller than the One-Click Ruby Installer, which is now officially dead.

I also re-solved some of the initial problems with Clojure. It's hard to wrap my head around it, though.

Now back to playing some games!

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