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Why you should be playing games

(tags game, criticism)

Why you should be playing games. It's to train your brain to recognize good experiences, or perhaps learn how your standard of tolerance is different from others. Not so recently, I played the Pokemon series, but I gave up on it before getting the "complete index" item, because the battle screens are so slow. Still there are millions of people playing this game.

Or more recently, it's to make yourself a noisy nuisance on the bus or train. (Games: DJ Max Portable 2, Rubik's Cube).

Or it's to inhibit (or develop!) your lust for collecting collectibles. 100% completion makes gaming like work, but I don't want to feel like I miss out.

Sometimes gaming is just for relaxation. I recently discovered Spider Solitaire, one of those Windows built-in games. It's been my guilty pleasure for the last week. I play with one deck (beginner level). I really like the bling in the Windows 7 edition of this game, because I find that the Windows XP just serviceable, not unlike the feeling of playing a Windows 3.1 game.

Why shouldn't you be playing games. Surely you need your sleep time? ;)

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