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Finally out! Tobitsuki Hime soundtrack

(tags game, Windows, shmup, soundtrack, shop)

Melon Books Kobe always has the good stuff. The Tobitsuki Hime OST (Original SoundTrack) finally came out in the stores. I'm ripping it now and yeah it's great, fast paced game music with mainly guitar. Go to the site to get some sample music. I was pretty enthusiastic about the announcement for this soundtrack.

I opened the booklet and read about the sound producer Masashi ”MSS" Yano (矢野雅士) complaining about the pressure under which he had to produce. The director/programmer for the game, 01 step's "Mu" (む), evidently set pretty high goals:

Mu: I'm going to make a shooting game so write the music, m'kay?
MSS: Gotcha. So what kind of songs?
Mu: Something with rocking guitar, something cool. Something like Gra--ius!
MSS: *look of shock*
Mu: Something like S.S.H (埼玉最終兵器) or MintJam, m'kay?
MSS: *look of shock* (kill me now)

There's also notable remixes of the first and fourth stage music, but MSS's original arrangement does it for me. This is a great topping to the treat that is Tobitsuki Hime. And shoot, the jacket illustration artwork by Naoki Honda (本田 直樹) is right up my moe alley.