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Apple iPod upgrade time

(tags hardware, mp3, Apple)

So I own a dying iPod. It only holds a charge for the ride to work or back: 40 minutes. I am annoyed with that. I don't even have a face film to keep the screen scratch free and it's all scratched up. It's Firewire so I can't charge it anywhere. I don't care anymore. Die die die.

Now that Apple has rev'd the iPod lineup I figure it's time to upgrade to the 80GB version. I still can't decide between black or white, though. Will that new index system work in Japanese with any effectiveness? I doubt it.

I checked Sofmap and they'll be getting the goodies at the end of the month. Perfect timing. Only 42800 yen to take home. Hot diggity. The price markdown on the older iPods isn't very attractive. Empty wallet.