we get signal


The urge to play Starcraft, scratch that, I mean Tetris

(tags game, RTS, Tetris, puzzle)

Well I had the thought of buying Starcraft for the nth time in the last 5 years. Did I buy it when I went stateside? Okay I can't even remember. I tried checking Sofmap's used section but it's all Koei strategy games. Heh there was Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 "A Century of flight" going 3000 yen used. Oh that's the English version. The Japanese version was 9000 yen, used. Same "tin" box. Bah I don't play flight sims away, since I crashed and burned on that Apple IIe flight sim which I can't remember, either. No it's not Chuck Yeager's flight sim.

Well okay, Tetris (DS) on a train has gotten a hold of me. I play regular time-limited 7-5 game, and when I don't feel so peppy, I play the mission timed mode. That latter mode is great, just ignore the timer and you have free rein with no speed ups. Perfect for just lining up tetris after tetris. Ahhh. Puzzling fun. So much so I feel like I should dig up my Tetris with Card Captor Sakura game (PS1) and finish it off. I can see Sakura's smiling animated face now, and it makes me feel guilty for playing the game first without finishing the manga or anime.