we get signal


Sold out, the rush to Osaka, forgot my preorder

(tags game, anime, DVD region 2, ECsite, pre-order)

This week's anime and game releases are perfectly timed with the monthly stipend. Well it's like that every month. I must fulfill my imperative as a brash, automaton-consumer.

So while I was collecting stuff up like in the last post, the DVDs and games had to wait till Friday to be picked up, like Honey and Clover II and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu 4. But to my surprise, Kashimashi 7 was sold out at all the two Sofmaps I went to (Kobe, Osaka). Well who could blame the buyers, since this last DVD contains the 13th un-aired final episode. Ah. What is this, Ayuki is clasping Aster's arm in a "we're platonic" pose, on the cover of the DVD?

In my panic to go from Kobe to Osaka in time to check up on the Kashimashi 7 love at Sofmap at closing time, I forgot to buy my pre-ordered copy of Princess Princess - Princesses' After-School Danger (プリンセスプリンセス:姫たちのあぶない放課後後) SPLS-25693. That and I didn't have a chance to get into Yodobashi Camera Osaka, either, since I got there at 21:03. (this is Yodobashi Camera that Kotaku gets their Only In Japan shots) Even though the first floor was open, I couldn't even go up or down to the DVD and game floors, respectively. Where are the stairs? Guarded by temp secrs and bowing skirts. The escalators were in spit-customer-out mode.

Here's the fashionable south (?) side of Yodobashi Camera which is closest to Sofmap Osaka. This area (Japan Railway Osaka Station) is under construction for some reason.

Yodobashi Camera at night from the temporary construction street between Yodobashi Camera and Sofmap Osaka.

Please excuse me now, I need to go to downtown Kobe to pick up Kashimashi 7 at either Gamers or Animate at FULL PRICE, no tokuten. orz  <- that sure looks dumb in serif font. This is much better -> orz