we get signal


Will this blog ever get public?

(tags blog)

It's already the end of October. It will be almost 1 year since my old blog died and I still haven't replaced it with something that throughly satisfies me. I've been thinking about adding comments, and/or biting the bullet and subscribing to a major blog service/framework, etc. I don't have the confidence anymore to make my own blog software which can match and fulfill my spoiled expections now from using Microsoft Live Writer and Blogspot. And it takes too long for me to post, often an hour or more for just one.

And the content. I've been posting a lot of potentially embarassing and socially non-starting pictures of game or anime or figure chickadees, and my real name is attached to each and every page. Or it could be, if this blog ever went "public". Not much gaming. Fantastic adventures in consumer excess. Foibles and English imperialism despite living in Japan.

Well, keeping the blog like this keeps me honest. Yeah, as honest as a robin on a springtime window sill. Chirp chirp chirp, that's a piyo piyo.

I'm trying to motivate myself to change this blog. Be the programmer. NIH syndrome. But I rather type up content and boasts, link and swipe pictures and just generally shout loud into an empty box.

There, one post without any pictures.