we get signal


"tell her about me"

(tags interactive fiction, game, Windows)

I started playing some interactive fiction on a whim. Downloaded a scenario (Glowgrass) and the  appropriate interpreter (TADS2) and my score just went up 5 points! (Score 6 out of 25). Both are available at The Beginner's Guide to Playing Interactive Fiction. I like this site because it actually has some recommendations, instead of just a review/index. I'm not a hardcore interactive fiction fan, so any "for beginners" site is welcome. Actually I look for the scenarios that appeal to kids, because maybe they are easier. "tell her about me". How am I suppose to guess that is what I need to type to proceed in the game? I thought it was "say 'I am a visitor' to the girl", but I get the dreaded parser error.

This started from the discussion about Infocom's Wishbringer (Apple IIe) and how I had a copy with some "feelies", like a glow in the dark (pseudo) rock and envelopes from in-game. Remember the 80s? Remember when packins were also copy-protection devices?

I completed Glowgrass, and I also completed another scenario called Babel on the same page. The former didn't have much of a conclusion, and the latter was interesting in a cliched sci-fi way. Both evoked that special atmosphere you can't get from other types of gaming. Imagination is a powerful thing, and I still have the images I generated just from reading words (!), retained in my mind.

Ah. My fingers are tired from typing "e, x book, i, plug cable into cube, sit, stand, x frisbee, open door with lockpick".