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PostgreSQL database fixing up

(tags database, programming, PostgreSQL, SQLite, blog)

I've been gaining some confidence with databases using SQLite, so I started to revive my PostgreSQL sandbox. Since I am also trying to get into Ruby on Rails I am also adding unique keys to each of the tables I used in my old blog. I'm learning database "best practices de jour" through trial and error. pgAdmin is helping me visualize what is acutally in the database.

I upgraded from PostgreSQL 8.0 to 8.1 but it seems like 8.2 will be just around the corner (whoa already released yesterday but no japanese version yet, WTF is in the Japanese version?). Since moving from minor releases requires a dump and restore, it's annoying.

I had the idea of converting one of my database tables from EUC to UTF8 because Rails doesn't do EUC FTW, but this post is messing me up because there's unconvertable characters. Funny that, a post about a corrupted email corrupts my blog post.

Remember, Garbage In, Garbage Out.