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Emacs inspiration

(tags emacs, blog)

Emacs user-level customization seems to be more lively these days. At the forefront is jao's minor emacs wizardry, who has shown me in just a couple of posts, that I haven't been trying to explore all parts of emacs at all.

(User-level) macros, folding, eval and replace anywhere, emacs and w3m with gmail, imenu.

It's not just the jao's posts that are inspirational, but the comment threads attract the emacs worshipers. This blog has gotten me to subscribe to Planet Emacsen, with some nice gems like Maximize on Startup from M-x all-things-emacs.

I was considering just starting a emacs only blog, but I don't have much knowledge. I did already contribute some to Emacs Wiki. Acutally, fellow emacs users swap the usually monolithic emacs configuration file .emacs, but I adopted a multi-file approach, using the standard ${HOME}/.emacs.d instead. I am at around 140KB of personal customizations and code. Surely there is something interesting in there.