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Reheating one 2004 leftover: Half-Life 2

(tags Half-Life 2, game, Windows)

Playing around with 31 bot Unreal Tournament Team Deathmatches made me think I was wasting time. I should be finishing games. So since I was in the FPS mood, I re-downloaded Half-Life 2 through Steam. Oh boy, I haven't seen this gravity gun thing in one and half years (last save was 2004/11/28). Don't ask me why I stopped playing it, I don't remember why. I must have reached an epithany leveling up my rotating barrel physics stats.

So I resumed my game at around 60% in, I think. It's pretty fun, and reloading feels cool. No problems with the LCD display. But I got to the prison looking area and now my video card is choking with all the bugs and thugs, even at XGA (800 x 600)!

Crap, I'm getting depressed about my rig, ha. But I must suck it up until Unreal Tournament 3 actually comes out. I checked out my upgrade schedule, and it seems I lasted about 3 years on my Pentium 3 500MHz computer (2000 to 2004) with multiple video card upgrades. This Project Sugar is probably going to be the same 3 years between changes, with no video card upgrades. I suppose buying the PC when the industry was changing from AGP to PCI-X or PCI-Express was a mistake. New rig in 2007!

I hope to finish Half-Life 2 on this Project Sugar, as well as that American McGee's Alice game from 2000. That older game better look pretty.