we get signal


(Not!) disappointing moe-ful shooting: Nanoha STG shooting

(tags game, shmup, doujin, Windows, failure, patch)

Still the Comic Market 71 stuff is trickling in. I stopped by the Tora no Ana shop and picked up the last visible copy of the Magic Artillery Girl Lyrical Nanoha Danmaku Shooting (魔砲少女リリカルなのは弾幕STG) by Cos-play Tea Room Girls (こすぷれ喫茶娘々). You know, shmups and Nanoha, finally. Go ahead and try the free demo.

Magic Artillery Girl Lyrical Nanoha Danmaku Shooting package / 魔砲少女リリカルなのは弾幕STG のケース

It's a vertical shmup, power up by collecting dropped items. You have spread fire and bomb and some other homing thing. Pretty average setup.

I played it last night, but I was pretty disappointed with the frame rate and the slow bullet and player movement. But then I had the bright idea to check the homepage for a patch. I installed it and wow it plays much better. At full screen I get the 60 FPS goodness. It's a little more interesting now.

Nanoha Cut Scene / なのは カットシーン

The bullet patterns are pretty easy, though. I also like the colorful pastel bullets, but it's a little too clean. I ignore the dramatic cut scenes because I still haven't watched this series yet!

Nanoha's Ending / なのは編のエンディング

Yeah, yesterday I cleared it on Normal, but the bullets were so slow that it was boring. Today it's the proper speed, and I can no longer clear the game. Hahah.

I have to tell you that there is some extra CGs in there, but they're not very good at all. The only good ones are the ones shown here. Also the music is in OGG. It's not bad. I thought the sound effects and voices were straight rips from the anime, but I suppose anybody can do a Nanoha voice.

I give the game 2.5 out of 5. There are 4 more levels of difficulty above Normal, so perhaps someone out there will be satisfied.