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Downbeat girl: Comic Party's Mizuki (completed)

(tags game, PlayStation Portable, gal-game, anime, doujin)

I finally slogged through the "Mizuki" scenario in Comic Party Portable. Unfortunately she becomes really insecure in the end game. By the time she receives assurances from the guy she's back to her happy chipper self. I didn't like this scenario because she was insecure so long. But that doesn't detract from the fact that she has the best cosplay costume: Peach. Rawr.

When I tried to complete the scenario, I used the artist cap item to boost my doujin drawing speed, but unfortunately that gave me a bad end. I was like WTF. I only had to restart the last month's save and forgo the artist cap and I got the proper ending. Still I only have 95% complete CG but its good enough.

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