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Harry Potter : finish him

(tags book, fantasy, English)

Though I said I didn't want to buy the hardcover version of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, the previous book HP and the Half-Blood Prince left off on a big cliff-hanger. Plus I remembered that I really have to fix my RAID setup, which meant my computer would be off-line.

Couldn't wait for Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows to come out on paperback

Unfortunately there were two downers when I bought the book. One was the price, which was about 4000 yen. The other downer was that I didn't see the special in-store display containing all of the Harry Potter stuff. Consequently I missed being able to choose between the UK adult version (bigger and different cover) and the regular hard cover. Ahh.

Read read read. This is not bad at all.

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