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Reconsidered Taiko no Tatsujin DS

(tags game, Dual Screen, rhythm, anime, Xbox 360)

I was anticipating Taiko no Tatsujin DS (太鼓の達人DS タッチでドコドン), but I couldn't find the song list on the official website. (I didn't look hard enough, because it is just 2 clicks from the main page.) In any case, I was only able to check the back of the case when it went on sale. None of the anime songs were familiar so I let it go.

But I read it again at another store, and the words "Go My Way" caught my eye. You know, the IdolM@ster song from the Xbox 360. This is the first home release, according to that handy-dandy music chart. So yeah, this will be a purchase.

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