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The countdown to a Treasure'd DS: Bangai-O

(tags Dual Screen, game)

Is this for real? Treasure's web site is in a countdown since last week but now DS Fanboy (via NeoGAF) reports the whammy: a new Treasure game for the DS called Bangai-O Spirits (バンガイオー魂). Shooting on your DS!

This game originally came out for the Nintendo 64 and the Dreamcast. Actually, it's one of the rare games on the Dreamcast that does NOT support the VGA adapter, so I still haven't tried my copies. Uh.

Well if it really comes out on the DS then it will be in my hands. I haven't wanted a DS game recently, so this is refreshing.

Other than that, how do those NeoGAF-ers get scans of a Famitsu magazine that will be on the stands officially in less than two days? "Believe", indeed.

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