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Cold shower on iPod lust: iPod Classic 160GB and iPod touch

(tags music, hardware, iPod)

Its been almost a year since I got my second iPod (5.5gen, 80GB). Today Apple announced the new iPod line up and it's hard not to ignore.

The iPod Classic (Engadget) has two improvements for me, the 160GB size and the Cover Flow. Not much, eh, since my library is only 52 GB.

The iPod Touch (Engadget) seems pretty cool. I would use the WiFi and Internet browser. 16GB is a disappointment however. The screen is only 89 mm but has a higher resolution than the PSP (480x320@160dpi vs 480x273). This is the one I want to buy, but unfortunately, I saw at Sofmap that it will be 48000 yens. Ouchie.

The overriding reason for me to pass on this refresh is that I still haven't my money's worth out of my current one. 43000 + 8000 yen over about 350 days, thats about 140 yen per day for the privilege to own and use an iPod. Besides I'm not using it to the fullest with about 15 GB free on it and no recent video conversions. The battery still works.

See you in a year iPod Touch!

edit: changed title

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