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You just wanna appreciate the figures: "Haruhi" and "Yuki" Limited edition "White"

(tags figure, sexy, anime, purchase)

Its been a couple of months in the making, but my "Mikuru" doesn't have to go it alone any more:

Mikuru welcomes Haruhi and Yuki in boxes.

Yes! I recently won the auction for third figure in this series,"Yuki Nagato [Bunny Girl]" (~涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱~PVC製塗装済完成品 『1/6長門有希 バニーガール』), Chara-Ani limited edition White (no stockings, rawr). I did try to get it officially through Chara-Ani a couple of months back, but I was robbed. This time I used Yahoo Auction Japan, and it was only 8000 yen + shipping. The price is only slightly higher than retail, only because there is now a better Haruhi Bunny Suit series (FREEing(フリーイング)「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 涼宮ハルヒ バニーVer.」 "Mikuru", "Haruhi", "Tsuruya-san", "Kyon's Sister"). Ah, such is life.

Yuki's eyes are perfect, but she has gray hair and dirty bunny ears.

Since this was an auction buy, I kinda doubted that this was a unopened box. Granted the tape looked new and everything was in place with protective plastic, but the figure itself seemed dirty with some lint. I spent some time trying to clean it off, with little success. Some of the lint is on the bunny ears (right side in photo), and on the front side of the bunny suit. Since its white it irritatingly stands out. Also "Yuki" cannot stand by itself so I placed the support arm. Still I am very satisfied with the face, very kawaii. You can change the hands, but I think the combination of glasses and star wand is moe.

Haruhi looks spot on.

I'm not into Haruhi herself, but I kept my eye out for the second figure, "Haruhi Suzumiya [Bunny Girl]" (~涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱~PVC製塗装済完成品 『1/6涼宮ハルヒ バニーガール』), Chara-Ani limited edition White (no stockings, rawr). I got this one used at Mandarake Osaka for about 7000 yen, which isn't a bad price for what appears to be another unopened box. Face is very clean, with some niggling scratches on the hair in the back. The rest of the figure is cleaner than "Yuki", so is it a manufacturing defect or auction deception? In any case, the pose is made for the guitar. There's also a mic hand set, but that just doesn't make any sense.

Yuki: It's your call.

So now they're out of the box, let's pose them. Okay an obligatory story:

Yuki: "Mikuru-chan, you haven't seen my guitar around have you?"
Mikuru: "I think Haruhi has it."

Haruhi front and center

Haruhi: "Let's play something interesting!" (starts to swing arm in giant windmills)
Yuki: "Are you sure you know how to play?"
Haruhi: "Sure!" (bad riff sound)
Mikuru: "Do I have to watch you practice?"

The trio, with Mikuru and Yuki looking away.

Haruhi: "Let's get a band going together in time for the culture festival." (bad riff sound and wild swinging continues)
Mikuru: "Ganbatte ne" (slowly inches away)
Yuki: "Hm, how good are at timed air guitar?" (ponders)

The "Mikuru" figure is the obvious win since she is so kawaii. "Yuki" isn't bad, but really does she belong in a bunny suit? And "Haruhi" is just fronting again, but I am surprisingly satisfied with it. The long legs are very non-Japanese, though. I placed these figures on top of my refrigerator, so I see them when I walk in. I want to put them next to the computer but there is no space.

I want to keep these figures out on display, but I've got so many others that I should work on. So perhaps in a month these "ladies" will hit the boxes again.

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