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Dream C Club sold out in the Osaka and Kobe

(tags game, gal-ge, sexy, Xbox 360, Dream C Club, ECsite)

By Sunday afternoon, all the stores I visited in the Osaka and Kobe areas (7) were sold out of Dream C Club (ドリームクラブ). Either the shipment was small, or there was a real demand for this gal-ge cabaret sim. The Famitsu 4 reviewer rating wasn't so high though, at 24 out of 40.

No I don't want to buy it, yet.

Update: Senaka Otaroad blog confirms it in ドリームクラブ完売店が続出 「思った以上に売れまくった」.

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2008 is already here! Animedia Nanoha Calendar

(tags poster, anime, Nanoha, 2008, sexy)

Well my Winter vacation has come and gone and I haven't achieved what I wanted to achieve. I did go crazy on Friday and Sunday (eg purchases) so there's that to document. I haven't yet talked about my own version of "best and rest of 2008", like last year.

But 2008 is already here and so that means a new calendar. But this one is not very functional, rawr.

Animedia 2008 Caleder featuring Nanoha at 9, 15 and 19

I am so behind on reading Moeyo Akibajin blog. I read the news about this interesting calendar just last week even though it was posted on 2007-12-11 (「なのは9歳?、15歳?、19歳勢ぞろいカレンダー付属のアニメディア発売他」). Luckily Animedia is a monthly magazine, though I never regularly buy it. This particular calendar comes with Animedia issue 2008-01. I bought two of the same issue at only 500 yen each. Unfortunately the poster's paper is flimsy so I put both of them up in that plastic sheet.

Also this reminds me of that special poster when you buy that Nanoha StrikerS DVD 1 which features a young (9) and mature (19) Nanoha. I like that one better than this one. :-/ It was also illustrated in a one-of-a-kind POP back in 2007-07. I found a copy of the poster version at Books Lashinbang, and it could be mine for only 4000 yen! No thanks.

Also as a special addition to the 2008-01 issue, there was a data book about all the televised anime since 1962 till 2007. Whoa 45 years of anime. No pictures, just director, seiyuu, etc. It's surprisingly small at 130 pages, with a big chunk of it devoted to seiyuu data as well. Of course with Japanese kanji you can squeeze a lot in, plus it's normal to read a book really close to your face. It would be so cool to have this data digitized, though.

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Polyphonica-themed telephone cards from Geemaga

(tags illustrator, sexy, anime, telephone card, magazine)

Geemaga, that monthly game magazine that I might be confusing for an old Dreamcast-focused magazine, is offering Noboru Kannatsuki (神奈月昇, Light of Night) telephone cards. I would have never known about it except for the announcement on the Geemaga blog, "ゲーマガ2007~8年末年始「応募者全員サービステレカ」企画を見逃すべからず".


Truly hawt. Gotta pickup this magazine now.

My computer's wallpaper rotation hits the Polyphonica illustrations (神曲奏界ポリフォニカ), quite nice.

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Turn away but I'll be back: Ace Combat 6, Kyon no Imouto figure

(tags game, ECsite, Xbox 360, Wii, figure, anime, sexy, loli)

Yesterday evening I had a chance to pick up Ace Combat 6. Though I love the trailer and demo, I finally decided not to pick up the game due to a short comment from destroy tokyo. Besides I haven't played a flight game (not sim) in a long time, and my idea of flying is AfterBurner II. Also I like the 2D freedom of FPS like Halo 3 and Crackdown.

The Super Mario Galaxy demo movie which was playing at the new arrival area (thanks Senaka Otaroad) stopped me for a couple of minutes. There's just something about flying through space hanging low over a lava planet that looks spectacular. Galaxy Force II, anyone? But I don't have a Wii and I won't buy one just yet. Plus it made me feel guilty about not finishing Mario Sunshine.

I have to go to the shop again. I waste too much time just loafing around shops looking for things to buy. Stupid me. Anyway, I guess I have to pick up the Famitsu Xbox 360 magazine since it's selling out due to Ace Combat 6 and Idolm@ster special info. As an aside, I am looking at Idolm@ster auction goods and tickets for an upcoming live in Osaka and/or elseshere go for 2_0000 yen plus. If the Xbox 360 was cheaper I bet you it reign with Idolm@ster alone!

And the shop must have my pre-ordered figure "Kyon no Imouto" from FREEing. It's a 1/4 scale figure of Kyon's little sister in a bunny suit, part of the FREEing series, and based off of the Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsuu anime. I totally forgot about it and Akiba Blog reminded me (also Senaka Otaroad). As FooBarBaz puts it, it's cute but "pretty immoral". Um.... 9000 yen. You know I'm all about the bunny suit.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, FREEing Bunny version series, from left to right: Mikuru, Tsuruya-san, Kyon no Imouto, Yuki, Haruhi

I suppose I need to balance this out by buying the other figures in the series (official pages: Mikuru, Haruhi, Tsuruya-san, Kyon no Imouto, Yuki), but the only other ones I want are the "Mikuru" and "Yuki", and even still, they are not smiling which is :-/ (sentence ends here).

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A little too eager: Shining Wind's Kureha (figure)

(tags figure, game, PlayStation 2, sexy, illustrator)

Remember the "Kureha" figure I mentioned in May? Well, Moeyo reminded me that its coming out this week so I've been making quick stops to the Sofmap.

Shining Wind (PS2 game) Kureha figure. photo by HobbyStock

Um. Guess I didn't read too closely, because it says it will come out on Friday, not today. Duh.

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Master of red: Noboru Kannatsuki CD-ROMs

(tags illustrator, sexy, anime, telephone card, CG)

I remember looking for goodies from the Comic Market 72 (2007/08) fallout at K-Books. I saw that the sexy bishoujo illustrator Noboru Kannatsuki (神奈月昇, Light of Night) had some CG CD-ROMs. I know him from the Polyphonica illustrations for the PC/PS2 visual novels and light novels (神曲奏界ポリフォニカ). Unfortunately the used price was unbelievable, 30000 yen! Just for one. And there were 3! Lucky for me and my wallet that he decided to re-release the CDs to doujin shops such as Tora no Ana.

Kannatsuki original CG collection Present by Light of Night

Hawt. No, hawt would be Corti (the red-head bombshell) in her onee-san guise.

Only 1000 yen each. I only opened the third disc, Polyphony. Thankfully there's no nudity on that one (which is surprising). Now I gotta hook this up to my wallpaper changer, which at the moment is John's Background Switcher. I wholeheartedly recommend this freeware for Windows users who like Flickr or have multi-monitor setups.

The tosho card plus daishi on the top left was an Animate purchase. The illustration was originally an Animate exclusive cover for book 5 in the Polyphonica light novel "Crimson" series.

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You just wanna appreciate the figures: "Haruhi" and "Yuki" Limited edition "White"

(tags figure, sexy, anime, purchase)

Its been a couple of months in the making, but my "Mikuru" doesn't have to go it alone any more:

Mikuru welcomes Haruhi and Yuki in boxes.

Yes! I recently won the auction for third figure in this series,"Yuki Nagato [Bunny Girl]" (~涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱~PVC製塗装済完成品 『1/6長門有希 バニーガール』), Chara-Ani limited edition White (no stockings, rawr). I did try to get it officially through Chara-Ani a couple of months back, but I was robbed. This time I used Yahoo Auction Japan, and it was only 8000 yen + shipping. The price is only slightly higher than retail, only because there is now a better Haruhi Bunny Suit series (FREEing(フリーイング)「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 涼宮ハルヒ バニーVer.」 "Mikuru", "Haruhi", "Tsuruya-san", "Kyon's Sister"). Ah, such is life.

Yuki's eyes are perfect, but she has gray hair and dirty bunny ears.

Since this was an auction buy, I kinda doubted that this was a unopened box. Granted the tape looked new and everything was in place with protective plastic, but the figure itself seemed dirty with some lint. I spent some time trying to clean it off, with little success. Some of the lint is on the bunny ears (right side in photo), and on the front side of the bunny suit. Since its white it irritatingly stands out. Also "Yuki" cannot stand by itself so I placed the support arm. Still I am very satisfied with the face, very kawaii. You can change the hands, but I think the combination of glasses and star wand is moe.

Haruhi looks spot on.

I'm not into Haruhi herself, but I kept my eye out for the second figure, "Haruhi Suzumiya [Bunny Girl]" (~涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱~PVC製塗装済完成品 『1/6涼宮ハルヒ バニーガール』), Chara-Ani limited edition White (no stockings, rawr). I got this one used at Mandarake Osaka for about 7000 yen, which isn't a bad price for what appears to be another unopened box. Face is very clean, with some niggling scratches on the hair in the back. The rest of the figure is cleaner than "Yuki", so is it a manufacturing defect or auction deception? In any case, the pose is made for the guitar. There's also a mic hand set, but that just doesn't make any sense.

Yuki: It's your call.

So now they're out of the box, let's pose them. Okay an obligatory story:

Yuki: "Mikuru-chan, you haven't seen my guitar around have you?"
Mikuru: "I think Haruhi has it."

Haruhi front and center

Haruhi: "Let's play something interesting!" (starts to swing arm in giant windmills)
Yuki: "Are you sure you know how to play?"
Haruhi: "Sure!" (bad riff sound)
Mikuru: "Do I have to watch you practice?"

The trio, with Mikuru and Yuki looking away.

Haruhi: "Let's get a band going together in time for the culture festival." (bad riff sound and wild swinging continues)
Mikuru: "Ganbatte ne" (slowly inches away)
Yuki: "Hm, how good are at timed air guitar?" (ponders)

The "Mikuru" figure is the obvious win since she is so kawaii. "Yuki" isn't bad, but really does she belong in a bunny suit? And "Haruhi" is just fronting again, but I am surprisingly satisfied with it. The long legs are very non-Japanese, though. I placed these figures on top of my refrigerator, so I see them when I walk in. I want to put them next to the computer but there is no space.

I want to keep these figures out on display, but I've got so many others that I should work on. So perhaps in a month these "ladies" will hit the boxes again.

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Doki Doki Majo is the 2D Dead or Alive

(tags game, Dual Screen, sexy, telephone card)

According a demo-movie review by Akiba Blog (more than 10 days ago), that otaku oriented DS game Doki Doki Majo Shinpan (どきどき魔女神判) has animated bouncing breasts. They are as bad (good?) as the original Dead or Alive phenomenon. Greatest!

Doki Doki Majo has sexy telephone cards to entice buyers

edit: corrected to "shinpan", and added picture of telephone card from NGC France article via DS Fanboy. Also checkout the rest of the telephone card designs as exposed by Dengeki Online.com via DS Fanboy.

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Shining Wind's Kureha (figure) makes CERO B

(tags figure, game, PlayStation 2, sexy, illustrator)

I like that illustrator Tony (nsfw). Recently it seems Tony has been crossing over to all ages illustration, heading up the character design in the Sega PlayStation 2 games Shining Tears and Shining Wind.

One of the characters from Shining Wind, Kureha, will get (pre-built) figure treatment soon. Here is "Kureha", a 1/7 scale figure by Shunji Hagai (?) (萩井俊士) and produced by Max Factory/Good Smile Company. I like this character design, because she has a bow in front, a bow-like sleeve billow, and she's holding a bow. Also, well, zettai ryouiki.

Shining Wind (PS2 game) Kureha figure. photo by HobbyStock

Though I haven't played the game, I am considering purchasing this figure.

I read though that Shining Wind got a CERO B ranking (12 years or older) instead of being all ages (CERO A) because the illustrations are a bit sexualized. Tony, it's all your fault.

Why Shining Wind got a CERO B. Famitsu article 「年齢制限の秘密 ~あのゲームはなぜ規制されたのか?~」週刊ファミ通 No.963 2007/06/01

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