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Idolm@ster "Birthday Goods" series

(tags game, Idolm@ster, figure, ECsite)

The last time I bought the Idolm@ster limited edition game, I missed out on the concert (raffle) and the good looking Miki Xbox 360 faceplate. This time I'm determined to be up to date on these goods.

That means keeping a eye on the Official Goods Shop. While researching the last post about the upcoming L4U game, I stumbled across the latest of the "Birthday" series (「バースデー記念企画グッズ」シリーズ), which is this fabulous "HappyBirthday! Miki! 11.23" promotion (星井美希リミテッドドール)

The Idolm@ster Miki Hoshii posable figure

Excellent! This "Miki Hoshii" posable figure has a really cute face. Idolm@ster is really about playing with figures, polygon or otherwise, isn't it? I don't like the hinges on my figures, though. I can't seem to mentally block that out.

The Idolm@ster Miki Hoshii posable figure promotion

This is a online shop promotion for the limited edition game bundled with the figure, which makes it 2_6040 yen. Thus, the figure itself is around 1_6000 yen plus. The company who makes the figure is none other than Mega Hobby, who makes the "Action Figure Collection" posable doll series. I did get the Tsukuyomi "Hazuki" AFC posable doll (AFC 「月詠-MOON PHASE- 葉月」) for about 1_5000 yen retail about a year back, so that makes the price... understandable?

Talk about overpriced useless crap. (/me orders two)

Actually, only 3000 of these sets will be available. Since Idolm@ster fans have money, lots of money, and this figure is more decent than the Azusa Miura figure, I expect that the pre-order system which starts 11/16 next friday 18:00 will crash and I will be robbed, again. Maybe I should take next Friday off, because a salaryman shouldn't be hitting refresh 16 times a second from the company network.

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