we get signal


Still want more? Upcoming games

(tags game)

This is just a random consumerist post with even less content than usual. WANT WANT WANT.

So far this month in the New Games category I am (still) wanting Treasure's Bangai-O Spirits (DS), Echochrome (無限回廊) (PSP), Contra 4 (DS). I still haven't gotten Trigger Heart Excelia.

Also last week's announcement (via Famitsu) for two old Cave shmups, Dodonpachi something Black Label and Ketsui for the Xbox 360 is encouraging, but if they are going to be a packaged games at 7000 yen each I might skip it.

And more information came out regarding StarCraft II recently, concerning the "Zerg". I like the graphics, and I love the sci-fi theme but I just can't seem to play the game well. I wonder if I need a souped-up computer for this. It looks pretty killer. But I really don't want to buy a new PC right now. I want to know what SC II needs.

Just as an aside, if I ever get one of those Asus Eee PCs, the new 1024 x 600 screen one, I'll be installing StarCraft I on it.

Time is not on my side. There is also my stacked game backlog (starting with Im@s-L4U!). And I rather level up my FFTA.
