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How much more do I have to do this: Earth Defense Forces 3

(tags game, action, Earth Defense Force, Xbox 360)

Just one more thing tonight then I'll sleep...

I played Earth Defense Forces (地球防衛軍3) yesterday for a total of 3 hours but it wasn't very much fun. I mean sure, shooting buildings and giant enemies is killer for a while until diminishing returns sets in. Graphics are great? I don't know anymore. I turned off camera shake with the quickness. And I'm playing at Normal difficulty because Hard requires more effort than I want to put in now.

WhoTF designed the HUD!?! The reload shouldn't cover the crosshairs. What is up with the heli controls!? Pickups animate like in Doom 1, ie 2d icons that rotate toward you. The variety of weapons don't make sense. I just use the automatic rifle and bazooka all the time. Whine whine whine. :-/

It's not all bad. I have to admit, it reminds me of how Japan really looks like. And it really is satisfying to shoot things, lots of things. The dialog from your comrades is funny too. "E! D! F!"

I am on track to playing this more until I get my Im@s L4U.

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