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Colony Drop

(tags blog, anime)

Colony Drop. This is a Gundam-ism where the ultimate warfare technique in collateral damage is de-orbiting (inhabited?!?) space colonies onto (inhabited?!?) planet-bound cities. Well actually I don't really know but Gundam is about war with mecha, and I see a picture of a space colony crashing onto urban skyline with explosive results. It sounds epic.

Colony Drop. This is an epic blog title. Okay I understand the blog aims to be "hard anime blogging dropped onto your cranium with a fiery explosion". But when the blog's "enemies" include "moƩ", and yet one of the writers is "burning fever #1 Haruhi otaku", I feel like I'm only going to be reading this blog when I'm in a mecha funk. I still impassively skip over the Gundam merchandise spreads in Akiba Blog, though.

Still, a review of a Gundam (Shot) Bar in Akihabara. Epic.

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