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Chrono Trigger satisfying plateau?

(tags game, Dual Screen, Chrono Trigger)

Uh oh, I don't remember the magic of Chrono Trigger. :-( wut?

I think I'm at the end of the game now, just before I beat the story boss. But other than that, if I go anywhere else on the map, I encounter really hard monsters that kill me 1000 HP in one shot. Trouble is that I don't know if this is the added content or the regular content but meant for after completing the story mode. Thus I get wacked for strolling into a seemingly benign cave.

Menu grind woes. Actually the game isn't that repetative as far as the menu fighting is concerned. I have the menu speed set to one faster than normal, but I bet I'm going to set it to slowest on those killer "new game+" content.

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