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Bubble Bobble Neo!

(tags game, Xbox 360, Bubble Bobble)

I bought Bubble Bobble Neo only after an online friend did, just so I can beat him over the head with a better score. It was 800 XBLP (== 1000 JPY) which is kinda pricey. It's the Xbox Live Arcade version which is currently JP region only. The Wii also has it. I should have just busted out the NES ROM and played that until the desire waned.

I barely remember playing this game years ago. Like back on the NES console, using a real cartridge. I loved last boss stage. Lighting bolts to kill off the boss? Kewl. There are subtleties to the game play that I did not pick up back when I first played it. I still don't use the backside popping thing for full effect. It requires very precise joystick control. Ugh these characters are so slow to control.

So yeah I beat his score, but evidently it's because he used a Continue. On my first day with the game, I made it to level 42 with Continues until boredom set in (how many continues are you gonna give me? endless?). Then I tried setting my high score, no Continues and I could only achieve level 14. Too sad.

I'm disappointed in the lack of online multiplayer. I guess I need to get my local Xbox fiends to invite me over for some Vs.

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