we get signal


It's missing something: Halo 3 ODST

(tags game, Halo ODST, Xbox 360)

Halo 3 ODST. As one of the few rare games that have I pre-ordered, bought, and played on the first day of release, you would think I can be called one of those Halo fanboiz. I disagree. My fascination with the products is the single player FPS mode. Although it's not the arcade-style FPS that I like with Unreal Tournament, it's forgiving casual entertainment with headshot satisfaction.

Halo 3 ODST Sgt. Major Johnson and Reach sticker missing an R

I think the sticker on the plastic wrapped game case starts this new product experience on the wrong foot. The sticker reads, "Halo: each [sic] multiplayer beta access". Microsoft Japan has trouble with their "R"s. Hahahaah. lololololol

Okay, I said the requisite joke. You can headshot me now. \(>_<)/

There are more comments I want to make on this but I want to commit ritual dark-map hikikomori with the Rookie before the end of this weekend so I will follow up in a later post. I am sad though, the weather outside is glorious and sunny.

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