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"watch on DVD" list explained

(tags anime, DVD, region 2, TV)

I mentioned before that I have a "watch on DVD" list. What is that? Yeah, we all know that we can download anime from "shady parts of the Internet" for free etc etc nudge nudge say no more. Shame on me because I live in Japan and I can pay for it. But I buy anime DVDs at Japanese prices. I preview just part of the series using the power of the "online VCR", then I break out the yen. Well whatever justifies it.

So what's on the list right now? Here I tell you at what episode when I decided to buy the series.

Acutally, I'm going to add one more title to this list, but it's taken me to Episode 10 to decide: ふしぎ星のふたご姫 (Fushigi Boshi no Futago Hime). I really like how this kids anime is random and unpredictable. And cute, boy is it cute. There's morality lessons without getting too preachy. Shoot, just go to Matthew's Anime Blog for the low down on the cuteness, he's gone whole-hog convert into this anime, even putting his money into importing the DVDs and figures. (read it over the months of 2005 to get a feel on how he converts...)

Where do I stand on Futago Hime? I have the NAS dolls (which originally I snubbed for having un-cute noses), the setting book, and the limited edition first DVD. At least I don't have to start at zero.