we get signal


A warehouse of turnips, refined

(tags game, Animal Crossing Wild World, DualScreen, obsession, refinement, spoiler)

18 tables? Amateur.


42 tables
4 turnips icons per table
100 turnips per turnip icon
100 bells per turnip

Initial cost: 1,680,000 bells

I was hoping for more advice on making bells at the GameFaqs, but this "turnip table" "glitch" is considered "cheating" because it encourages "time-traveling". I don't care if other people consider it cheating. How else are you going to going to get the 999,999,999 bell reward? Besides, it takes like 3 hours set up and tear down to go through this plan during a week. I don't see how it can be cheating. It's hard, repetitive boring work!

Let's put it another way. Say you have 200 fruit-bearing trees. Each week, it replenishes two times. Each tree is 1500 bells. If the goal is to get 999,999,999 bells, it will take 1666 weeks or 32 years of honest work! This game doesn't own me that long.

While we're playing spreadsheet what-if games, let's talk about the current method. Say on average, per week return is a optimistic 40% of the above (aiming for 140 or higher cash in price), which is 672000 profit per week. That means the above can be accomplished in 1488 weeks or 28 years. Hm. Not much improvement.

Of course you could do both methods. You could also depend on the interest earned from bank account.

I suppose the only way to reach a higher rate of return is to have a bell making machine. I suppose that's what the WiFi or Internet is for. Haven't you heard? The Internet is the new wetware.