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The hottest thing to come to your PC

(tags hardware, review)

Coding Horror makes the stand-up-and-take-notice post about how video cards will be most power-hungry part in even in your non-gaming PC. It's all Vista's fault, or rather, the steady march of progress. Frankly I don't believe that Windows XP or any current desktop is the best metaphor for computer interaction, so I welcome more eye candy if I can get it for "free", eg. it doesn't slow down my computer or make it hotter or louder.

I tried looking for my main computer's CPU power consumption in the official documents but I don't know the vocabulary to get the info. I think the wattage is 150 W! though I haven't verfied it. It's way more that 80W, I can be sure of that. Ack, I'm surprised it survived the Japan summer!