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Rhythm Tengoku finally reviewed: 9, 7, 9, 9

(tags game, Gameboy Advance, review, Famitsu, failure)

I trust the Weekly Famitsu 4 number rating system. If that doesn't tell you how (un-)informed I am, so be it. Famitsu issue 925 gave a very tardy review of Rhythm Tengoku and awarded it 9, 7, 9, 9 (out of 10). Everybody start buying it now! Why the good score? Because it is good, trust me. Why was the review 3 weeks late? Um, GameBoy Advance is dying? I don't really know.

Anyway I was pretty satisfied with it. It's definately a good game to give to even non-gamers. Thanks Chris Kohler, you were really right on this one.