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Still on a mission: Tobi D+vine Artworks by Naoki Honda, Yano in French, Tobi Tsukihime

(tags over-18, doujin, doujinshi, artist, illustrator, music)

I found one blogger (猫鯖のパテ缶) who was boasting his Comic Market 70 haul, which included 3 copies of Tobi D+vine Art Works and Tobitsuki Illustration Note, each. Ah, jealous. Hopefully when I go to Osaka ("on a mission", ha ha) there will be a used, hopefully mint copies at K-Books or Books Lashinbang.

I also found through the Internet search a works biography for Masashi Yano in French, on the Square Music fan site. It's like I can understand what they're saying, not. All the nouns are Proper. Heh, they use the same dark glasses bust post of him, very funny. Turns out he worked on some Square-Enix PS2 game called Itadaki Street Special. Nice.

I can't close the topic on Yano without mentioning that he quit his work association with Super Sweep due to health problems last month. This is sad and I suppose the only thing I can do (other than thank him on his blog) is buy his OSTs. All in good time.

One last thing I forgot to mention last time was that Tobi Tsukihime makers 01 step posted a demo movie of their Super Play Hell DVD sold only at Comic Market 70. Shoot man, why do you have to tease me with this 100 MB+ trailer? How is this different from that DVD pack-in in the final store version (とびつきひめショップ版について)? Well for one thing, it's a super play on "Hell" difficulty. Plus the score is wicked sick: 370 million plus. I hope they consider selling it through doujin shops.