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Ruby documents to your local drive

(tags ruby, programming, documentation, install)

On Windows I've standardized on Ruby One-Click Installer 1.8.4-20 stable. (1.8.5-21 just showed up yesterday but this package takes a bit of time to stablize, eh?)

Then I start downloading documentation from ruby-doc.org, collected into convenient packages:

  • Core API
  • Standard API
  • "Document Bundle":  A grab bag of interesting but somewhat out of date info.

I place these directories into my installed directory, for example: C:\App\ruby\doc\ruby. I then make a HTML file that points to the index.html inside of those local copies.

Other interesting docs:

Then I start installing Gems:

Then I make sure to run the RubyGems Rdoc server then edit that HTML file previously in order to navigate to it.

ri and fxri bomb on "Test::Unit", go figure.