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Kashimashi, extremely satisfying purchase

(tags anime, Kashimashi, DVD region 2)

For an unaired 13th episode ending, the seventh DVD for Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl is extremely satisfying (for comparison I'm looking at you Tide Line Blue). The story throws a curveball, there's still character development going on. The visuals satisfy with everybody  in various costumes and outfits. The anime finally takes a trip to the magical, instead of just a write off appearance by Mr. Sora. Aster is stepped on repeatedly, but we can thank him for his dream sequences. Even Ayuki (go Masumin!) and Namiko-sensei gets some air time. Finally there's a CD pack-in, an extra booklet, repeats of all the opening and endings, and an long 17 minute interview with the three main voice actresses, Kana Ueda (植田佳奈), Yui Horie (堀江由衣), and Yukari Tamura (田村ゆかり).

Final interview and thanks from (left) Kana Ueda, Yui Horie, Yukari Tamura

There are some faults, like the final character Namiko Tsuki's voice actress Yuko Mizutani (水谷優子) does not get an interview. Also there's more risque angles and some crude visual pantsu jokes, but this is admittedly par for the course with this anime adaptation. But the more I think about it, the more I gloss over those things and warm up to the friendly banter and camaraderie, both on and off camera.

I'm saddened that the anime has come to a close, but it is refreshing compared to the other anime series that are open-ended because of the continuing manga. Frankly, the official manga right now is floating dead in the water. Finally I have one last thing related to Kashimashi, but I save it for a later post or two. This has got to be my most satisfying anime DVD purchase of 2006. Yeah, O RLY. 5 out of 5 stars.